About Structural Integration (SI)

In Structural Integration, we aim to use targeted manual treatment techniques to correct disorders in the fascial system and transform the body into a structure that is better for him.
The relationship between body and gravity can reorganize.
SI focuses on salutogenesis, she wants to strengthen the health pattern and not get lost in single symptoms.

"One of the things you, as a Rolfer, always need to emphasize is that your work is not geared to cure disease, you are working to activate your health." -Ida Rolf

This can happen when the body is more aligned in the vertical line and the system knows how to deal with the newly gained energy.
Classic becomes with one 10 session system worked systematically. The sessions build on each other and divide into 3 stages. In Session 1-3, we work on the outer shell, Session 4-7 are among the core sessions, ie deeper structures such as the M. Iliopsoas are treated with. Session 8-10 are the integration sessions, the body is re-networked, new movement patterns are trained.
For Ida Rolf, the body and the soul were an inseparable unity. Thus, sessions can have a positive impact on personal maturity and well-being as old stress patterns are broken down. With a bent posture one goes through life differently, than with an upright one. The body often reflects internal processes.

Through the sessions, the client experiences a new awareness of their own body and its myofascial connections. The self-perception is promoted and leads to more mindfulness in dealing with yourself.

Who benefits from SI?

The focus of this work is the improvement of structure, posture, movement and mindful self-perception. Particularly suitable ...

- in case of tension / chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system and from it
resulting restraint

- for occupations in which the body plays a central role, such as dancers,
Actors and craftsmen etc.

- for athletic ambitious people

- for people who want to increase their body and well-being

  • An example of session 1
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